Emergency dentist in Naples

A toothache during summer can ruin your vacation. Call us or send an email to schedule a visit. Solve your dental problem phone dentista ad agosto081-2451805

Dr. Liviana Balestriere, Dr Maria Rosaria Lubrano

August opening time: Mon-Sun 9AM-10PM  


Microscope Panoramic RX CBCT low radiation exposure Digital intraoral scanning


Invisible Orthodontics No-Pain Extractions Gum Disease Control Minimally invasive therapies


Doctors specialized in single branches. Always apprised, gentle and attentive assistants



Dentist in Napoli

Our dental practice in Naples is open in August to provide continuous dental care to all patients. Our practice is at the forefront of all disciplines of Dentistry (Periodontology, Implant dentistry, Esthetic Dentistry, Invisible Orthodontics), and is intended to offer predictable and qualified dental care throughout August, Sundays and holidays included for both emergencies and for diagnosis and therapies. Emergency dental care starts from 80€. Anyway, if extra costs would be necessary, an estimate will be shown to the patient to allow him/her accepting or declining. Contact our dental practice if you have any dental issue during the month of August.

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Emergency dental care for tourists

Born some years ago to provide assistance for patients with bracketless fixed lingual orthodontic appliance (an exclusive therapy of very few studies) these new opening times have been extended to all patients who may need emergency care during the month of August. The dental practice is also open in August to meet the needs of both Italian and foreign tourists in emergency conditions due to dental issues, problems with orthodontic devices or dental implants. Give a look at our clinical cases at www.zerodonto.com. Zerodonto blog is a website for specialists in the various fields of dentistry and is one of the most visited dental sites.

Find our dental practice


+39 0812451805


Via Raffaele De Cesare 31, 80132 – Napoli





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    Emergency dentist in Naples ultima modifica: 2017-07-13T11:48:32+02:00 da Sara Palmieri