Tooth bleaching is a cosmetic and conservative treatment, that allows to reduce the effects of dental chromogens (e.g. caffeine, theine, carotene, etc.), a kind of organic compounds responsible for pigmentation of teeth, in order to get back a brighter colour.

Such a process is possible thanks to the chemical properties of specific substances called peroxides, that can oxidize the chemical bonds of the substances causing tooth coloration. Dental bleaching can involve both vital and necrotic teeth and can be carried on both in the dental office and at home, by means of customized templates to be worn by patients during night.

Bleaching procedures have not to be confused with tooth cleaning, that indicates the removal of supra- and sub-gingival plaque and tartar.

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Home and professional bleaching

Clinical Case 1: Case of dental bleaching of the maxillary arch with 15% carbamide peroxide.

Clinical Case 2: Case of non-vital tooth bleaching

Case of dental bleaching of the maxillary arch with 15% carbamide peroxide.

After three nights, the chromatic improvement was evident. Later on, satisfied by the obtained result, the patient wanted to perform the same treatment at the mandibular arch.

1-sbiancamento dentale denti - prev

2-sorriso perfetto sbiancamento - prev

Clinical Case 2: Case of non-vital tooth bleaching

Treated through the contemporary use of professional bleaching in the dental office (mixture of sodium perborate and 35% hydrogen peroxide) and home walking bleach (30% carbamide peroxide). In such cases, the result is not predictable and the solution with the best esthetic outcome is a prosthetic approach (e.g. ceramic veneer).

3-sbiancamento denti necrosi gialli - prev

4-sbiancamento denti sbiancare sorriso perfetto - prev

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