Toothache is a symptom of a problem in the oral cavity. The origin of dental pain can depend on different causes, the most frequent being caries, gingivitis, dental abscesses, and periodontitis. These are severe conditions that always require the intervention of a dentist to be kept under control. Tooth pain is extremely annoying and difficult…

Canker sore stomatitis, commonly known as mouth ulcers, is a very annoying but harmless oral disease. Since almost everyone has had to deal with mouth ulcers at least once in their life, let’s try to understand better what they are, what they depend on and how to treat them. What are canker sores? Canker sores…

The fear of the dentist is the dentophobia, a real disease recognised by the World Health Organization. According to the WHO, one-fifth of the population would suffer from it. It is a psychological disorder related to the anxiety of coming into contact with everything related to the world of dentistry. You can have a fear…

A dental abscess is an infection of the oral cavity. Dead cells or bacteria following caries or a periodontal problem cause abscess. The dentist who takes care of the disease can simultaneously prescribe antibiotics to face the infection and reduce the pain. One of the most commonly prescribed antibiotics is the amoxicillin, suitable for adults,…

This new form of Coronavirus (2019-nCoV, COVID-19) is alarming the global population. In Italy, the Ministry of Health gave clear indications regarding which actions can be useful to reduce infections and maintain the right level of individual safety. It can also be useful to talk about Coronavirus prevention at the dentist office. A doubt could…

Tooth mobility is always an issue for patients who generally relate it with other pathologies such as periodontal diseases. There are, however, many other reasons that lead one or more dental elements to move; Let’s see which these reasons are and what to do in case of dental mobility. Periodontitis As the most recurring and…

At least once in a lifetime everybody had to go to the dentist’s to treat cavities. One of the main clue of the caries formation is the lack of oral hygiene as the caries formation process, which destroys the tooth hard tissue, is caused by the action of some bacteria of the oral cavity found…

Many people avoid treatment for tooth decay because they are afraid of the dentist. Just be strong and find the courage to schedule an appointment, without being ashamed of the fact that you last had your teeth cleaned more than 15 years ago. It is more common than you think, you would not be the…

Generally, the dental care to which elderly people undergo does not differ from that of younger patients. However, it can occur that the former could face some types of problems due to the intake of some types of drugs, a lack of nourishing food in the diet, heart diseases, diabetes or not optimal general physical…

Patients with periodontitis or other forms of disease that can compromise oral health often ask a question. Is it better to try saving a tooth or is better a dental implant? Obviously, the answer varies from case to case and depends on recoverability of decay, severity of periodontitis or infection of tooth’s internal tissues requiring…