Guided Implantology enables a new approach to Implantology, emphasizing the accuracy of the surgical process and the predictability of treatment’s results, so it offers many advantages for patients that are scared by pain. 
In fact, Guided Implantology guarantees a superior predictability of our treatments, with an absolutely lower invasiveness: is no more necessary to open gums, ungluing wide patches, to insert our implants; this avoids the bleeding and the post-operative discomfort.
The surgery is planned on the computer, through a 3D software, after the execution of a denta-scan (CT scan of the jaw bones), using a radiological mask that will be changed in a chirurgical mask, that will guarantee a precise and guided implant’s insertion. Implants can be planned and placed for every indication, from single elements to cases of complete edentulous. It is also possible, when bone’s thickness allows this, to immediately put a provisory after the surgery ( immediate load).
In this way the patient undergo the guided Implantology surgery, within two or three hours, can get again his unremovable teeth and obtain optimal aesthetical results, with an excellent biological integration and the minimum discomfort possible.

The Straumann is the only home implant that allows, with its SLActive implants surface of covering, a more quick healing of only two weeks for the lower arch.
This surface has substantially improved outwards properties, such has hydrophilicity and chemical activity, which hasten in a significant manner the whole osseointegration process. The same home implant has got a brand-new Zirconia-Titanium alloy that is called Roxolid® , which offers superior reliability in the treatment with implants of small diameter, because it is more resistant.
The use of implants with an inferior diameter allows avoiding complex maneuver of bone regeneration in cases of thin ridge.


  • Case of Nobel guided surgery


    Implants insertion through guided surgery and prosthetic rehabilitation in zirconia.

    Case of a female patient of 65 years old with a complete maxillary arch edentulous.
The patient asked for an unmovable prosthesis, judging unsatisfactory from the aesthetic point of view her previous prosthesis. So we planned a fixed rehabilitation with an implants’ support at immediate load, devising on computer the guided surgery. 
This allowed us to define with absolute precision bones volumes on which we were about to intervene for the implants placement. 
We inserted 6 implants and in the same day of the surgery it has been started a complete unmovable prosthesis. In this way, it has been possible for the patient to avoid the phase of provisory prosthesis, subjected to the completion of implant's osseointegration.

    Moreover, the patient’s comfort after the surgery has been optimal.

    Read the complete article

    1-impianti nobel protesi fissa totale

    2-edentulia totale riassorbimento osseo

    2-BIS-pianificazione guidata rit

    3-new-chirurgia guidata implantologia all on 4 all

    3-nobel biocare full arch zirconia

    4-protesi zirconia ceramica integrale full arch

    5-sorriso perfetto edentulia totale

    6-nobel biocare impianti guidati

  • Case of Straumann guided surgery


    Total maxillary and mandibular edentulous, re-enabled with immediate load Straumann’s implants and provisory screwed in FULL-ARCH prosthesis.

    Case of a female patient of 54 years old with total edentulous of both the arches.
The patient required an unmovable prosthesis on implants, judging unsatisfactory from the aesthetic, phonetic and functional point of view her previous prosthesis.
SO, we planned on the computer the guided surgery for implants insertion, followed by the immediate placing of the unmovable prosthesis.
This kind of surgery allows to campuflage the intra-operatory discomfort for the patient and to define with absolute precision (through the use of advanced technologies), the correct implants’ insertion.

    The surgery was realized during two session in the lapse of two weeks, one for the lower arch and the other for the superior arch, putting respectively 5 and 6 implants. 
In each of the two days we provided for the instant placement of the complete unmovable prosthesis, immediately after the surgery.
In this way, it has been possible for the patient to avoid the phase of provisory prosthesis, which is necessary only for the implants’ osseointegration. Moreover, the patient has not underline any kind of discomfort during the post-operative moment.

    Read the full article

    1-edentulia totale ad entrambe le arcate

    2-NobelGuide All-on-6

    3-inserimento implantare



    6-impianti napoli

    7-edentulia mascellare

    8-chirurgia guidata

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    Guided implantology ultima modifica: 2014-12-21T15:20:11+01:00 da admin